Thursday, August 30, 2007


Eight Levels of Narcissim is the topic among most bloggers in the wedding industry lately. I was just tagged by my friend Kimberly Jarman a fellow photographer that I get the pleasure of spending time with once a month and a couple times a year at different photography seminars.
Thanks for including me on this one! So I am to share 8 bits of info about me so here we go...

1- I don't know eight other bloggers other than a few that Kimberly tagged already! I do have a couple to tag though.

2- I fell in love with Kauai and want to retire there.

3-I was a hairstylist and then a massage therapist before I decided to go professional with my photography.

4-My husband Billy and I met playing pool at a biker bar!

5-When I am shooting a wedding ceremony I usually cry.

6-I love talk radio; Prager and Medved.

7-I love a good champagne; dry for sure.

8-I will pick a hotel for vacation based on what the pool looks like and what food is available for room service.

I will tag you...
Mary- Photos by Mary
Michell Jonas

1 comment:

Mary Sandy said...

Hi ELizabeth,

I love your blog.. I want to comment on how inspire me to be a better photographer and a better christian! Keep up the great work. I am blessed to be able to call you my friend.
